Hanging Bridges Tour
Hanging Bridges Tour is your unique opportunity to enjoy an elevated perspective of the biodiversity of Panama’s tropical cloud forest. It is a circuit of 6 suspension bridges covering a 4.5 km route through the treetops.
This is a new adventure in which you will enjoy breathtaking views of rivers, waterfalls, and the towering Volcan Baru. A unique experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories.
Name room 1
Der freundliche Ort liegt auf einer Ost nach West sanft anstegenden Kuppe direck am westliche Rand in den steil abfallenden Graben zwischen Liesing und dem wenige Meter weiter westlich liegenden Ort Klebas übergeht. In diesem Grabenstand das Geburtshaus des berümtem Gelehrte Univ. Prof. Dr. Matthias von Lexer

2 peoples

1700 Meter
Hanging Bridges Tour
Hanging Bridges Tour is your unique opportunity to enjoy an elevated perspective of the biodiversity of Panama’s tropical cloud forest. It is a circuit of 6 suspension bridges covering a 4.5 km route through the treetops.
This is a new adventure in which you will enjoy breathtaking views of rivers, waterfalls, and the towering Volcan Baru. A unique experience that will leave you with unforgettable memories.
Abseits der Massen
Panoramic view
Birds, sloth, monkey

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